Bert's blog

Why you should never divide by two (on a computer)

In this week’s post, I will try to make you appreciate how computers perform mathematical operations using the very basic example of dividing a number by two. I will try to convince you that dividing by two (explicitly) is probably never a good idea (if you care about speed). And then I’ll tell you why you might get away with it anyway. But by then you should know enough about how computational arithmetic works to not want to divide by two any more. Or that is the idea.

When dividing a number by two, the first thing to know is what type of number we are dealing with. Computers deal with two different types of numbers: integers and floating point numbers. Both of these exist in various flavours: there are 32-bit and 64-bit floating point numbers, and many more flavours of integers. The flavour of the variable deals with the precision of the underlying value (I will use precision instead of flavour from now on), but also with how much memory is occupied by storing that variable. More precision requires more memory. For our purposes, the precision of the variables does not really matter. The type however determines how a division by two is performed.

Integer division

Integers are conceptually the easiest variables to understand. They are the computer equivalent of positive and negative whole numbers, i.e. numbers that do not have any fractional component. An integer is represented in memory as a bit sequence like this (I will use a 4-bit integer as example):

This bit sequence is simply the binary representation of the whole number. Each bit in the sequence (from right to left) represents the pre-factor for the corresponding power of two in the number’s decomposition:

To also represent negative integers, the highest bit is used as a sign bit, with meaning a positive integer and meaning a negative integer. Because this effectively means you lose one bit of precision, it is important to make a clear distinction between signed and unsigned integers. There are various ways to represent negative integers, and I will not go into more detail here.

You also have to be very careful when converting between the two integer types: any unsigned integer that is large enough to use the highest bit in its representation corresponds to a negative signed integer with the same precision, and hence to a completely different value! Similarly, subtracting one from an unsigned integer value of zero and then interpreting the result again as an unsigned integer leads to a very large positive value instead of the expected negative value. This is a very common mistake in loop conditions that use unsigned integer counters. Fortunately, compilers can warn you for this kind of mistake.

To implement arithmetic operations with integers, computers use basic binary operations like bit shifts and bit-wise or, and and xor operations.

A bit-shift moves all bits in the sequence to the left or right for a certain number of places, throwing away the bits at the far end, and filling up the empty bit positions with . For our example 4-bit integer, a left shift by 1 position leads to

while a right shift by 1 position leads to

These values are respectively double and half (rounded down) the original value. This is not a coincidence, but is a direct consequence of the binary representation of integers.

or, and and xor operations take two bit sequences as input and return a single bit sequence that contains respectively the bit-by-bit or, and and xor value of the individual bit pairs:


(0101) | (1010) = 1111


(0101) & (1001) = 0001


(0101) ^ (1001) = 1100

Apart from these, there is also the not operator, that simply changes every bit into and vice versa for a single input value.

Computers use these operations to carry out additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions for integer values. These are pretty much defined as the algorisms taught in primary school, where you write down your integer values and carry out complicated calculations by applying simple operations on the individual bits (and by carrying auxiliary variables in between steps). For the particular case of division, this means division is implemented similar to a long division. In practice, this means integer division is quite a complicated operation that involves a lot of intermediate additions and multiplications; an integer division is a lot more expensive in terms of computations than any of the other integer operations. Furthermore, computers completely ignore the remainder of the integer long division, which means that integer divisions always round down.

To get back to the point of this post: if we want an integer division by two operation that always rounds down, there is a much simpler alternative than the general integer long division algorithm: we can simply right shift the integer bit sequence by one position! Since this is a basic bit-shift operation, it is much cheaper to compute, but the result is exactly the same. Similarly, integer division by 4, 8, 16… can simply be replaced by a right shift with 2, 3, 4… positions. Any other denominator for the division requires the much more expensive long division algorithm.

Floating point division

Integers are a very natural numerical type for computers, as they intrinsically use bit sequences through the binary representation of numbers. Unfortunately, they offer very little dynamic range in values: a 32-bit unsigned integer can only represent numbers in between and , which is not a lot for most scientific applications. Integer arithmetic also means that the accuracy of some operations (especially division) will depend a lot on the numbers that are involved, which again is not ideal for scientific purposes.

To address these issues, a second type of numerical variable was created: a floating point variable. As the name suggests, these variables can represent numbers that have a fractional component. They also offer a much larger dynamic range of values. The price you pay for these features is a loss of accuracy: while most integer additions and subtractions are exact (as long as the numbers involved are small enough), floating point arithmetic introduces potential round off errors for all mathematical operations, within some reasonable limits.

A floating point value, irrespective of its precision, is represented similar to a number written down in scientific notation: it consists of a mantissa that contains the significant digits for the underlying value, and an exponent that specifies the order of magnitude for the value. Unlike scientific notation, the entire floating point is still represented in a binary representation, which means that the exponent is a power of two rather than ten. To represent negative numbers, floating point values also have a sign bit. There are a number of possible ways to put all of these parts together (and a number of ways to distribute the available bits among the parts) that vary slightly from implementation to implementation, so I will not go into to much detail here.

Floating point operations, just like their integer counterparts, are constructed by means of simple binary operations on the mantissa and exponent of the variables that are involved. A multiplication for example consists of an addition of the exponents of the two variables and a multiplication of the two mantissas, followed by a renormalisation of the exponent (by convention, the mantissa only contains the digits behind the decimal point and assumes the part before the decimal point is 1; this means that every floating point value can only be written in one unique way). As before, a division is much more complicated and involves more work. The exact speed difference between a multiplication and a division depends on the precise computer architecture, but factors in between 5 and 10 are common.

So to get back to the point of the post (again): a division by two is equivalent to a multiplication by . Since can be exactly represented in floating point representation, and since a floating point multiplication is always faster than a floating point division, you are much better off converting your division by two to a multiplication by half.

For other denominators things might be more complicated, as not every fraction can be exactly represented in floating point format. But if you really care about speed, you are generally better off converting the division into an equivalent multiplication. There might be a little loss in accuracy, but floating point operations are usually not perfectly accurate anyway. The only reason to explicitly perform floating point divisions is if they involve a variable. And even in that case it can sometimes be advantageous to compute the inverse of that variable first and the multiply with it, e.g. if you need to do a lot of divisions by that same variable.


By now, it should be clear that you should never explicitly divide by two: for integers, you can simply bit-shift instead, while for floating point variables you can (and should) multiply with half. That being said, a lot still depends on how you are developing your code, as things might not be quite as bad as I painted them here.

If you write code in a high-level language like C(++) or Fortran, your code needs to be converted into machine readable code by a compiler. Current compilers are pretty powerful, and they can automatically convert some of your divisions by two into multiplications.

Consider the following example C++ code snippets that perform a number of divisions by 2 either explicitly or by multiplying by half instead:

#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  double result = 0.;
  for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i){
    double x = i * 24.9;
    x /= 2.;
    result += x;

  std::cout << result << std::endl;

  return 0;
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  double result = 0.;
  for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i){
    double x = i * 24.9;
    x *= 0.5;
    result += x;

  std::cout << result << std::endl;

  return 0;

We can compile both these code snippets, run them, and then compare the speed difference. That is however quite tricky, as the loop is quite short and the whole program takes less time to run than the time it takes the operating system to start it. Furthermore, there are a number of other factors that can affect speed.

A better way to compare both snippets is by looking at how they translate into machine code. When a compiler creates machine code, it converts the C++ into a set of machine instructions that is called assembly. Assembly is itself a programming language (with many different flavours), but it is very low-level: it consists of a list of instructions for the CPU like move this variable into this cache register or add the variable in this register to the one in this register. Compilers usually have a way of outputting the assembly code they generate; for the GCC compiler this is done with the command line option -S.

We can compile both snippets of code above with -S and then look at the resulting code. Or even better: compare the two output files using diff. If you compile using the most basic compilation command:

> g++ -S division.cpp
> g++ -S multiplication.cpp
> diff division.s multiplication.s

then this comparison will probably return you a whole list of weird instructions, showing that the instructions generated for both versions are different. Things look a lot better when you enable compiler optimisations:

> g++ -O3 -S division.cpp
> g++ -O3 -S multiplication.cpp
> diff division.s multiplication.s

This should only show you one difference between both versions: the name of the source code file. In other words: the compiler automatically converted the division into the much cheaper multiplication! So if you compile with optimisations, dividing by two is probably not a real problem.

Note that this only works for programming languages that are compiled and not for interpreted languages like Python or Java. The Python or Java interpreter might be good enough to automatically convert your divisions by two into multiplications by half, but you should probably not count on it. It is a lot easier for a compiler to do this kind of optimisations at compile time, when it can thoroughly analyse your code and decide what optimisations to do, than it is for an interpreter to make these decision based on single lines of code at run time.

Memory-bound algorithms

Apart from your compiler helping you by optimising your badly written code, there is the more fundamental question whether or not the speed difference between multiplication and division actually matters for your specific use case. Division might be almost an order of magnitude slower than multiplication, it is still incredibly fast compared to some other CPU operations, like fetching variables from memory. Many algorithms nowadays are memory-bound, which means that their execution time completely depends on the speed with which variables can be read from memory rather than the speed with which operations on these variables are performed. This means that the CPU is very likely to be spending most of its time waiting for variables to arrive, and comparatively little time actually performing operations on these variables. If you have little operations overall, the overhead of a division might be completely invisible in your overall performance.

That being said, performance issues like these are very system-dependent, and it is very hard to make specific claims about your algorithm without actually measuring them very carefully. A multiplication is guaranteed to always be faster than a division, so it is probably still a good idea to assume it will be, even if it does not really matter for your use case. I personally think it is a good habit to try to minimise the number of divisions, even if it is not always necessary.


Once you can be confident that your compiler will optimise out your divisions by two, you can concentrate on another important aspect of good code: readability. Division by two or multiplication by half makes very little difference for someone that reads it. Division by 16 or multiplication by 0.0625 could make a significant difference. A factor 1/16 is easier to interpret that some arbitrary looking number. Either way, it is probably a good idea to also provide some comments that explain where that factor comes from.

For integer division by two this is even more true: the bit-shift operator >> is not a common mathematical operator that scientists necessarily know, so a/2 and a>>1 might look completely different to them, despite being exactly the same thing. I generally prefer only using bit-wise operators when the code in question requires them and I can be sure that whoever reads the code knows what << means. But then again, if you are using integers in a bit of the code that does not require bit-wise operators, you are probably doing something weird, as most scientific applications require floating points.

Professional astronomer.