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Configuring projects using CMake

I have mentioned the use of CMake in the past, but have never really explained how to use it. However, I have recently noticed that such an introduction would really helpful, since the lack of proper configuration tools in my own scientific field (computational astrophysics) is just painful.

As a case study, I will take the public moving-mesh code Arepo, available from This code has only recently been made public and is incredibly popular in computational astrophysics, so I think it is fair to say that it is very representative for the field nowadays.

If you read the documentation, you will notice that the entire compilation of the code consists of one step: make. This is weird, as the code depends on at least two required libraries (MPI and GSL) that can be installed in very different ways depending on your system. It seems very unlikely that the person that wrote the Makefile required for GNU Make is aware of all possible locations of these libraries on all possible systems. This is obviously not the case. As a ā€œsolutionā€, the developers have provided an additional file, Makefile.systype that hardcodes the library paths and compiler options for different systems. Good luck figuring out these things on your system!

A second weird thing that immediately strikes you is that the code depends on a large number of parameters in an additional file, that are then parsed by a Perl script and written to a number of additional source code files that are placed in the build directory for the code. This script is somehow run as part of the compilation process.

All of these things can be done just as well (and a lot more easy) by using CMake. So here a very brief example of how to do this for this particular code.

The basics: source code files and target executable

To use CMake, you need to create a CMake configuration file, called CMakeLists.txt. For Arepo, we can create the following skeleton that simply creates a target executable for all the Arepo source code files:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)

project(arepo C)


add_executable(Arepo ${SOURCES_LEVEL2} ${SOURCES_LEVEL3})

The first line, containing cmake_minimum_required, tells CMake which version of CMake you expect to find on the system. If the version of CMake that your system uses is older than this, then CMake will display an error and stop the configuration. This is useful if you are using features of CMake that only became available from a certain version. Unfortunately, there is no default value, so we need to choose something here. CMake 3.0 is reasonably well supported on modern systems, so that is why I choose it here (older versions could also work).

Next, we define a name for the CMake project, arepo. This line is very important, as it will instruct CMake to start looking for compilers on the system. The optional additional argument C tells CMake we have a pure C project; by default CMake will look for both C and C++ compilers.

On the following two lines, we find all the source code files. For the specific case of Arepo, those are located in subfolders of src/. Some of these subfolders in their turn have subfolders, so that in total we have two levels of source folders. The file(GLOB command will interpret the regular path expressions src/*/*.c and src/*/*/*.c and put their results in the CMake variables SOURCES_LEVEL2 and SOURCES_LEVEL3. The src folder is located in the same folder as our CMakeLists.txt, and in CMake we can refer to this folder as PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR. The ${} syntax expands this variable and hence displays this path. Note that CMake variables are also expanded when they are part of a string.

The last line in this skeleton creates the actual executable, named Arepo, and tells CMake on what source files it depends. It will automatically generate a Makefile that contains rules to compile all of these source files, and a rule to link them together into the Arepo executable.

To try out this skeleton file, we first need to create a build folder. This could be anywhere, but I will assume it is another subfolder of the folder that contains the CMakeLists.txt. Once created, enter the build folder and run CMake, using the path to the folder that contains the CMakeLists.txt as additional argument:

cmake ..

This should work and will create a Makefile that you can use to compile the program. However, if you try to actually run make, you will get a lot of compilation errors. This makes sense, since we did not tell CMake about any of the library dependencies yet.

Adding library dependencies

To add library dependencies, CMake provides the convenient macro find_package. Typical usage is illustrated using the required GSL library:

find_package(GSL REQUIRED)

target_link_libraries(Arepo ${GSL_LIBRARIES})

The last line needs to be added after the add_executable line, while the other two can be put somewhere at the top, e.g. right after the project command.

In a nutshell, find_package takes the name of the library you want to find (GSL) and optional version numbers and subcomponents. The REQUIRED keyword tells CMake this library is required; if not found, CMake will display an error and abort the configuration.

The find_package macro will then use another file that is part of the CMake installation, findGSL.cmake, to find the library and set a number of CMake variables: GSL_FOUND is set to True or False (this is useful for optional libraries), while GSL_INCLUDE_DIRS and GSL_LIBRARIES contain respectively the path to the folder containing the GSL header files and the path to the GSL library itself. By adding the former to the include_directories we make sure the header files can be included in the program source files. The latter makes sure that the linker (see an older post) can include the library machine code in the executable.

While recent versions of CMake ship with a lot of findLIBRARY.cmake files, there is no guarantee that such a file will exist for all libraries, especially exotic ones. find_package can alternatively look for a custom findLIBRARY.cmake file in your project source folder, but then you need to write this yourself (or find one on the internet, which is usually quite easy). Note that while most of these will set variables with standard names, this is not guaranteed. This is e.g. the case for the MPI library. You can find full documentation for all the .cmake files that are part of CMake online.

The MPI library has different flavours depending on the language of your code. As a result, find_package(MPI REQUIRED) will look for all of these, and then set slightly different variables to deal with different languages. This means that the header file directory in our case is called MPI_C_INCLUDE_PATH and that the library itself is contained in MPI_C_LIBRARIES. Since the C++ or Fortran libraries could be present without the C library (unlikely, but still), we need to check if the C library was actually found, and deal with the case where it was not:

find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
  message(FATAL_ERROR "No MPI C compiler found!")

We now explicitly check if the library was found, and only include it if it was. The message(FATAL_ERROR call will cause CMake to exit with the given error message. message can also be used with STATUS and WARNING for respectively normal standard output and colourful warning output. Only FATAL_ERROR will cause CMake to abort.

If you add both GSL and MPI to the CMakeLists.txt, the configuration and compilation should progress somewhat further, until one of the source code files tries to include the configuration header, arepoconfig.h, that is created by the Perl script. Letā€™s see how we can add this.

Executing additional commands as part of the configuration process

To run the Perl script, we first need to find the Perl executable. This is easy:

find_package(Perl REQUIRED)

This will set the variable PERL_EXECUTABLE. We can call the Perl script using the execute_process macro:

execute_process(COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE}

This simply runs the Perl executable and passes the three additional parameters as command line arguments: the name of the Perl script, the name of the configuration file (located in the source folder) and the build folder, which we can access here as the PROJECT_BINARY_DIR variable (CMake sets this to the folder from which the cmake command is run).

The Perl script will create the additional header file arepoconfig.h and will put it in the PROJECT_BINARY_DIR. We need to make sure this folder is included:


The script also generates two additional source code files, compile_time_info.c and compile_time_info_hdf5.c. We need to add these to the executable:

set(EXTRA_SOURCES ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/compile_time_info.c

add_executable(Arepo ${SOURCES_LEVEL2} ${SOURCES_LEVEL3} ${EXTRA_SOURCES})

The last line replaces the add_executable we had before.

If you now run cmake again, the Perl script will be executed as one of the steps, and it will create the additional source code files as expected. make will now successfully compile all source code files, but you should still get a linker error in the end.

System libraries

In the case of Arepo, the linker errors are caused by missing library dependencies for libm (the standard maths library) and libgmp (the GNU big number library). Unfortunately, there are no findLIBRARY.cmake files for these libraries. If you are on a standard Ubuntu system (like I am), you can easily link them by using

target_link_libraries(Arepo m)
target_link_libraries(Arepo gmp)

If this does not work, then you will need to find the appropriate .cmake files online and use the normal library inclusion approach. It is unlikely you will need to do this for libm, but for libgmp it is a real possibility.

Once you have added these two missing libraries, the code will finally compile!

More configuration options

The Config.h file does not exist in a clean clone of the Arepo repository, so in this case the Perl script will just create empty versions of the extra source code files. You can copy the and enable some additional options and then the code will be compiled with those options. Note that some options will requires additional libraries (e.g. HAVE_HDF5), which you then need to include and link using the same approach as above.

One problem with the approach as outlined above is that the Perl script is only run if cmake is run, and not when you simply run make. So if you change but donā€™t rerun cmake, the code will still use the old configuration options! To overcome this, we can create a custom target for the Perl script:

add_custom_target(Config ALL
                  COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE}
                  COMMENT "Running Perl script..."
                  BYPRODUCTS ${EXTRA_SOURCES})

This replaces the execute_process command and has to go below the set(EXTRA_SOURCES (since it uses this variable).

This command will create an additional target with the name Config that is automatically executed whenever make all (or simply make, which defaults to make all) is executed. The command is the same as before, COMMENT is a string that is displayed while the Perl script runs, and BYPRODUCTS makes sure that CMake knows the EXTRA_SOURCES are created by this target (so they will not be present when cmake runs). If we donā€™t add this, then CMake will complain that it cannot find the EXTRA_SOURCES files.

This works, but unfortunately also means that the Perl script is run every time make is called, irrespective of whether the file was changed or not. To overcome this, and make the command actually depend on the state of the file, we can instead create a custom command:

add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${EXTRA_SOURCES}
                   COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE}
                   COMMENT "Running Perl script..."
                   DEPENDS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/

The syntax is similar to before, but now we promote EXTRA_SOURCES to OUTPUT (meaning that CMake will automatically rerun the command if the extra source code files changes) and we add an explicit dependency for (DEPENDS). This will make sure that the script is rerun when changes (but only then). There is one catch: this only works if there is a file present in the source folder.

With that, our CMake configuration file is complete!

The full file

For reference:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
project(arepo C)

# library dependencies
find_package(GSL REQUIRED)
find_package(MPI REQUIRED)
  message(FATAL_ERROR "No MPI C compiler found!")

# run the perl script to parse configuration options
find_package(Perl REQUIRED)
set(EXTRA_SOURCES ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/compile_time_info.c

add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${EXTRA_SOURCES}
                   COMMAND ${PERL_EXECUTABLE}
                   COMMENT "Running Perl script..."
                   DEPENDS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/

# list the source files

add_executable(Arepo ${SOURCES_LEVEL2} ${SOURCES_LEVEL3} ${EXTRA_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(Arepo ${MPI_C_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(Arepo ${GSL_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(Arepo m)
target_link_libraries(Arepo gmp)

Professional astronomer.